Cheese Covered Heart

It doesn't matter what you want
You will get what we give to you
Everyone knows that the bunny's a genius
Just don't touch the toxic peanuts

Already said you knew it from the start
But you're blind with your cheese covered heart
We can only give you what we please
Because your heart is covered with cheese

We ask -who cares what you want?
We'll give you what we want to give
These toxic nuts could fix your sickness
So we'll cut bait and you might live

We gave before and subsequent
Your cheesy heart is gonna need a stent
When the bullets bullshit to bunnies
You'll see your heart is covered with cheese

We give and give and blahblahblart
This cheese will glue your broken heart
Don't expect us to fulfil your needs
Since our hearts are covered with cheese


On the way to Chicago
Traffic is terribo
Nothing is movibo
Our speed is zero

Fuck you zero
Fuck you zero
We are on the road
Fuck you zero
Fuck you zero
We are rock and roll

Sayonara 2020

Climate is changing
California is burning
New York is freezing

Sayonara Oh
Sayonara Oh
Sayonara 2020

Virus is mutating
Vaccine is making
2020 is amazing

Sayonara Oh
Sayonara Oh
Sayonara 2020

Let's Go to Shit

Let's go to shit
Let's go to shit
Shit shit shit
Let's go to shit

Thing Is Nothing

Thing is nothing
Nothing is a thing